EnerGie in Beweging

practice forCraniosacral Therapy


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The Therapist

Who is the therapist Gláucia Pedrosa Canabrava?

Gláucia Pedrosa CanabravaGláucia is a conscious mixture of body and soul, of Brazil and Holland. Originally she started out as a multilingual economist.
According to the Maya Calendar her solar seal is BEN, red skywalker and tone twelve, the crystal tone, the sound of transparency. BEN is a entrepreneur, he discovers and explores. BEN goes beyond limits and is empathic. BEN is also continuously searching for new challenges. Tone twelve also means the creation of clarity thanks to the power of seeing with different points of view.
Taurus is her zodiac sign. Among others Taurians are patient, realistic, reliable, have a strong determination and are persistent. Both are signs of the earth. Gláucia is a bridge, a beacon of light and a translator. She aims for the equilibrium between hard and soft, shadow and light, fear and love.


Why the choice for Craniosacral Therapy?
Gláucia finds that CST is tailor made for her. It teaches her to take distance of situations so that insights can lead to consciousness. Consciouness teaches her relativity and to be observant. And then comes full circle. CST teaches Gláucia the power of listening, of acceptance and respect. Looking beyond symptoms, searching deeply for the cause. Her work consists of the right mix between knowledge and wisdom. Her tools are love, silence, compassion, trust and satisfaction. Those tools allow her to be neutrally present. Gláucia’s intention is to let people remember and experience who they really are: LOVE! That simple, that gentle, that powerful!