EnerGie in Beweging

practice forCraniosacral Therapy

Kunstwerk van Colagem


Welcome to the website of the practice EnerGy in Motion. The practice has been created on April 2004. Gláucia is the Craniosacral Therapist (CST). In 2009 her own life vision became tangible by the creation of her Stillness in Motion (SiM). SiM is her own perspective. The background of SiM is CST. SiM is the best of the best that she has experienced in her whole life. SiM is the deepst of the deepest. SiM is the refinement of the refinement. SiM is precise work with sharpened perception. SiM is coming home into yourself. SiM is becoming aware of body, mind and soul and their interaction. SiM is meditation, is bodywork, is breathing work, is anatomy, fysiology, etc. And yet, SiM is so simple it is for daily use.

Gláucia teaches SiM to both adults, children and also to graduated therapists. She offers several kinds of treatments. She also treats big and small animals such as cats, dogs, horses, etc.

Gláucia Maps” originated from the intention to become conscious of the unconscious and to come home into yourself! Click this link to read more about Gláucia Maps.

As the name of the practice already denotes and from what you can perceive in the website pages, Gláucia is in constant movement, Gláucia is EnerGy in Movement.

In 2020 Gláucia came in contact with the Gene Keys and started learning and developing the Art of Contemplation which provides insights in life processes among others through the so-called Golden Path. The contemplations provide insights into ones’ intrisic qualities from one’s private life through the Genius Sequence, into one’s working life through the Pearl / Prosperity Sequence, into the relation to oneself and into one’s relation to others through the Venus / Love Sequence. Such contemplations have augmented her work awareness immensely. Over the years, the Gene Keys contemplations have led to a deaper grounded conscious awareness of her own Craniosacral work which is enriched by the several Naturopathy specialisations, among others also her intuitive natural palliative / terminal care. The awareness of the Art of Contemplation provides a deepening in her own consciousness development. The most direct effect for clients is an enriched awareness being offered to all who choose similar growth paths, that make similar choices about their well-being, their healthy, with similar personal growth life questions.

In 2019 nothing coincidentally, the first seeds of the art of contemplation started germinating creating a serendipitous encounter when she gradually became more than ever interested in fysical activities. The diversity of sports done all over her life got enrichted by a.o. Nordic Walking, walking meditation, swimming, Aquarobics, Pilates, Spinning inside (!) and also outside water, cycling, Bikramyoga. The inspirations for increased fysical activities came thanks to workshops by Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche plus meditations provided by InspiRadiance given by Dr. Saskia Bosman and specially thanks to her exquisite annual workshops in de Azores: Swimming with and the Connection with Dolfins ∞ Whales.

2018 starts with a deepening in who I am and what I do: the Coöperatieve Sensitieve Geneeskunde®  (free translation: Cooperative Sensitive Medicine) from Dr. Eduard Van den Bogaert and Judith.

In 2017 my attention returns to an old passion, Floral Essences. Besides the Dutch Flower Essences, I focus now also on Bach Flower Essences from England and on North American Desert Flower Essences, Desert Alchemy. New perspectives, energy, vibration and frequency. Flower Essences rebalance and harmonize emotions. Like Craniosacral Therapy, the Flower Essences’s strength is gentleness and subtlety leading to an immediate connection between body & soul.

In 2017 I move focused on Feldenkrais. What I love is exactly what Moshe Feldenkrais tells: ‘Make the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy elegant and pleasurable!’ Feldenkrais broadens my body awareness so that I let go easily of oud patterns.

In 2017 I also turn my attention to the Libray of the Soul: the Akasha Chronicles, or the Akashic Records. This brings a deepening in Souls’ awareness, insights in my own paths, choices and insights in the consequences of my choices! The metaphor is that each of us has hers/his own book and that each of us may ready the own book and specially each may write hers/his own book!

In 2016 the focus of deepening the awareness is twofold. In the same way as Craniosacral Therapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) light and subtle strokes strengthens the body’s self-healing and self-regenerating capabilities.

In 2016 the focus is also on bonding and Traumawork through Breaking the Silence: Trauma Constellations. Or so called ‘Constellation of  Intentions based on MultiGenerational Systemic Psychotraumatheory’ (MSPT).

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