EnerGie in Beweging

practice forCraniosacral Therapy


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Gláucia Maps

Since 2009 the 4 Tuesdays evenings by the KPIJ evolved to the currently 2.5 days Stilness in Motion that take place either in the Practice in IJsselstein or at a location chosen by the participants who create their own group and invite me to hold the Stilness in Motion space.

Here you find an overview of the KPIJ lessons with the background information about Stillness in Movement and the introduction of “Gláucia Maps” through Stillness in Motion. You also find here the description of where the focus will be during KPIJ lessons, private sessions for kids, adults, experienced therapists and also for each private session.

During the 4 Tuesday evenings (currently 2.5 days) you learn the background of Craniosacral Therapy (CST). I will also share with you my own perspective, Stillness in Motion (SiM). The background of SiM is CST. SiM literally comprises everything that I have lived and experienced until now. The practice has been created on April 2004. In 2009 my own life vision became tangible by the creation of Stillness in Motion (SiM). SiM is the best of the best that I have experienced in my whole life. SiM is the refinement of the refinement. SiM is precise work, sharpened perception. SiM is coming home into yourself. SiM is becoming aware of body and mind and their interaction. SiM is meditation, is bodywork, is breathing work, is anatomy, fysiology, etc. And yet, SiM is so simple it is for daily use.

The 4 Tuesday evenings (currently 2.5 days) are both for yourself and for sharing with others! It is your own choice! You will learn / remember self-healing and self-awareness. You will learn / remember how to ground yourself and how to remain grounded. It is the repeating interaction between body and mind, between feelings and awareness, between being and doing. It is continuously becoming conscious in a continous self-awareness process. To be conscious and how to handle such awareness is your own choice, own right, self responsibility coming from your own free will.

SiM is to consciously listen to yourself in Stillness. Listening while the whole world is moving around you. SiM is a complex balance and at the same time naturally easy. This is your right! This is what you can expect to experience in those 4 Tuesday evenings (currently 2.5 days), your own Stillness in Motion.

In each lesson each of the participants has questions about their own body, emotions, mental, energetic and spiritual issues, but also for their children, partners and friends. That’s the reason why SiM is applicable not only for you personally, but also for being with others. It is about your relationship with yourself and with others. When you realise what it is, both you and the other become aware that “IT CAN BE DIFFERENT”. The most important at all times is what you yourself can do and be! And the difference may be as simple as drinking water, eating fruits and vegetables, going for a walk or cycling. When you become aware of what you yourself can do for yourself, than you subsequently learn the other, that he/she can do the same for him/herself! It is all about working together, sharing the knowledge from within! The key word is synergy.

KPIJ organises the 4 Tuesday evenings (currently 2.5 days) in a beautifully large space for a maximum of 16 participants. This means that you are in a space with 15 other people who want the same, each in his/her own way! This is sheer abundance! This is pure strength, the interaction among the participants, the different perspectives, the fact that everybody is different experiencing through their own particular perspective. Those aspects are the richness for each participant of each of the 4 Tuesday evenings (currently 2.5 days). This is a natural consequence from the working together, from the respectful exchange of knowledge, from feeling of being welcome just the way you are , comfortably, in safety to be allowed to be who you are. Each participant brings his/her special way to being and we come together to be, to ask questions, to get clarity of mind, transparency of heart to become aware of what is possible. The purpose of those 4 Tuesday evenings (currently 2.5 days) is Happiness! Heart Happiness! That simple and that attainable in 4 Tuesday evenings! (currently 2.5 days)

During a session, we are partners. I offer you, “Gláucia Maps” and you and only you decide what, how and when to choose and what your path looks like. It is your path, I walk along and I accompany you. I accompany you in the sense that I give directions. Doing so I can support you to become aware about how you listen to your own self. I can be Gláucia’s Maps thanks to my inherent sensitivity. My natural talent is to listen to each body cell. The translation of what I feel, see and perceive also comes natural to me. Thanks to Stillness in Motion, Gláucia Maps is the translation that helps you to realize how powerful, how sensitive and how conscious you are. Gláucia Maps is set for home! Your own path, your own GPS back home!

The 4 Tuesday evenings (currently 2.5 days) are also about sensitivity. They are about the realisation, about becoming aware of what you feel, what you can do with these feelings and how can you manage them.
What you can expect in those 4 Tuesday evening (currently 2.5 days) is that all your questions and all your curiosity about the body, the mind, the emotions, the energy and spirituality will be answered! I do not pretend to have all the answers, I do say that when there is a question beyond my own knowledge and life experience that I do know where to look for the answer, better yet, I think that when you allow it, I can I learn you how you cannot only find your own answers but also the next step, how one can become open to receive his/hers own answers!

Those lessons are also about happiness. Are you happy in your choices in your daily life? During the 4 Tuesday evenings (currently 2.5 days) you will learn how to deal with, how to create, how to return to the intrinsic happiness thanks to Craniosacral Therapy and Gláucia’s Maps that are connected by the Stillness in Motion. You simply start Gláucia Maps and I guide you in the ways that I know and which I am sure you also know already, you probably simply forgot! This is what those 4 Tuesday evenings (currently 2.5 days) are about! Becoming aware of whom, how and what you are. And knowing that it is ALWAYS POSSIBLE TO DO IT DIFFERENTLY! Last, but not the least, Gláucia Maps always has Heart Happiness as destination! There is home!

Do you know other people who would be interested in knowing about Stillness in Motion with Craniosacral Therapy as background, please share this information/link with them. Thanks in advance for sharing!

Have you joined those lessons before, come for a replay/repetition as a means to deepen your knowledge! It’s all about practising, practising, practising! And as you already read, I am constantly moving in the stillness, so in each course, each group asks their unique set of questions so that we can always go deeper and deeper, more silent in ourselves. It’s all about you. When you took those lessons 6 months ago, this means that you are 6 months further in your own awareness’ process, and so do I! I am constant in movement. That’s the reason why those courses are called Personal Development courses!

Heart greetings from Gláucia

Stilness in Motion is also offered for adults and experienced therapists as a 2.5 day course either in the weekend or in days chosen by the participants. The first half day is from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. the 2nd and 3rd days are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Up to 9 participants the lessons are in the PracticeEnerGy in Motion in IJsselstein.
The investment amounts to € 450.